Latest Past Events

SMART Technology for SMEs

AFFORD Business Club (ABC) aims to support job creation in Africa by providing business development support to African diaspora entrepreneurs who seek to develop or launch their businesses in Africa. The SMART Technology industry is worth £14 trillion pounds. Whilst the UK commands 20% of the current market, it is forecast that 50% of the global growth in this industry will come from African SMEs. Lagos Nigeria is the first African SMART city. Operating in housing, industry, transport, environment and communications, there are numerous opportunities for SMEs to provide services for the SMART technology sector . The programme will be delivered by Ervine Okuboh, Business Adviser for AFFORD.      


ABC Business Support Programmes 2018: Develop Your Marketing Strategy

  AFFORD Business Club (ABC) aims to support job creation in Africa by providing business development support to African diaspora entrepreneurs who seek to develop or launch their businesses in Africa. This programme will provide 5 key pillars that every business needs to develop a marketing strategy: Customers SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic & Timely) Strategies Budget and Resources Evaluation This half day masterclass is suitable for anyone wanting to successfully implement marketing and PR in-house to increase their businesses profit and impact. In the session you will learn who your customers are, easy ways to reach those customers and what they want to know about your business offer. The programme will be delivered by Denise Rawls, Business Adviser for AFFORD.


ABC Training 2018: International Trade and Development

AFFORD Business Club (ABC) aims to support job creation in Africa by providing business development support to African diaspora entrepreneurs who seek to develop or launch their businesses in Africa. This programme will assist SMEs to understand the practical issues regarding international trade. Participants will be given information on key subjects, including tariffs, trading blocs, business regulation and market information.   Training Content: • International Markets • Sources of Information • Trade Regulations and tariffs • Documentation • Letter of credit • Customs Procedures • Trading blocs • Types of Trade • Brexit • Agents and Distributors • Importing • Exporting • Services The programme will be delivered by Ervine Okuboh and Albert Tucker, Business Advisers for AFFORD. Albert and Ervine have a wealth of experience undertaking and implementing international trade programmes and also providing business advisory services to SMEs undertaking international trade. Participants will be given information on key subjects, including tariffs, trading blocs, business regulation and market information. This programme will assist SMEs to understand the practical issues regarding international trade, be aware of the rules and regulations of international trade and give the participants a greater understanding and knowledge of global growth markets and the support structures available to SMEs.

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