Meet the team


Stella is responsible for overseeing AFFORD’s work on Investment, Enterprise and Employment as well as Engagement, Network Building Services and Training.

Read more about Stella

Specialities: Diaspora, migration and development; diaspora policy; diaspora finance; grants management; fundraising capacity-building;

Experience: Over 15 years’ experience in the development sector, responsible for overseeing AFFORD’s work on Investment, Enterprise and Employment as well as Engagement, Network Building Services and Training. This includes managing the Diaspora Finance Portfolio which is now over £1 million. Led on AFFORD’s official engagement with Migration and Development (MADE) Civil Society Network and coordinated the MADE global thematic working group on diaspora and migrants in development with a focus on their role in job creation, social enterprise, investment and public policy. My role engages diaspora and migrants, INGOs, inter-governmental and international bodies, governments and other stakeholders involved in diaspora and development with a view to developing policy to create a better enabling environment for diaspora action.

Education: MA International Relations, University of Nottingham

Why AFFORD: A versatile and growing diaspora-led organisation that has consistently upheld its values through its achievements. Provides genuine space for personal growth and there is no limit to the impact one can make in this organisation.

I am passionate about Africa because: Africa is unique and versatile in so many ways and provides lots of potential for growth. Having grown up on the continent, I believe in its people, its potential and its future and want to be part of the growth and development of this dynamic continent.

Former journalist and television documentary maker Onyekachi Wambu brings strong executive management experience to AFFORD and is a respected voice on African affairs.

Read more about Onyekachi

Specialities: Strong executive management skills developed running multi-million pound development and media organizations, covering finance, admin, programmes, editorial, advertising, and promotions departments. Extensive experience in policy, advocacy and communications. Key expert in putting the issues of migration and development on the international policy agenda. Policy advisor on Africa to the late Bernie Grant, MP. Over 30 years of consistent commitment first, to communicating and improving understanding of Africa and her global diaspora. Second to researching and developing the evidence base that would enable better planning and decision making; third, developing policy and engaging policymakers and bringing about policy change; fourth, building strong institutions that provide a platform for unleashing African creativity, innovation and agency.

Experience: He has pioneered many of the concepts and practices of enhancing the contribution of the diaspora to African and international development. His previous positions at AFFORD, include Head of Communications, and Director of Strategy and Policy. Onyekachi has written widely on Africa, global diaspora, socio-politics, and development. His publications include Under the Tree of Talking: Leadership for Change in Africa (2007 Ed.), commissioned by the British Council, and Empire Windrush: 50 years, a co-founder of African Remembrance Day; and a trainer on the AFFORD advocacy CPDE accredited course. He has delivered papers and speeches on international development at the UN, UNECA, African Union, OECD, and a host of other international fora. Before AFFORD, he worked extensively as a journalist and television documentary maker. He edited The Voice Newspaper at the end of the 1980s and has made documentaries and programmes for the BBC, Channel 4 and PBS. He has written a monthly column since 2008 for the leading Pan African magazine, New African. He is a respected broadcaster and commentator on African affairs, his commentary has appeared on the BBC, the Guardian, CCTV, Voice of America, Press TV and TVC. He has visited and worked in 27 African countries.

Education: B.A Government, University of Essex; M.Phil International Relations, Selwyn College, Cambridge

Why AFFORD: I was first attracted by AFFORD’s optimism about Africa’s future; its ability to mobilise the diaspora to improve conditions; its passion for innovation and fearlessness in thinking outside the development box; its values of transparency and collaborative working; and the great partnerships it developed with partners and supporters. It remains an excellent space for ambitious and unswerving commitment to the goal of institution building and African development.

I am passionate about Africa because: I fell in love with the continent again, when making a film, Hopes on the Horizon, in 1999. Travelling across 7 African countries (Benin, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, & South Africa), documenting the battles for democracy in the 1990s, I was inspired by the struggles of a generation of beautiful activists, and their determination and optimism in improving the welfare of ordinary Africans. At the lowest point of the whole period of ‘Afro-pessimism’ it was important for me to join this generational effort that believed in a great future for Africa. From ‘Afro-pessimism’ to ‘Africa rising’ in one decade. From ‘Africa rising’ to ‘the African Century’ – let’s do it!

Richard is responsible for AFFORD’s Institute the research and policy arm of AFFORD. Since March 2017, has led AFFORD’s work in the Migration and Development (MADE) Network as a formal implementing partner on the Migration and Development (MADE) Civil Society Network.

Read more about Richard

Specialities: Richard has a background in engaging youth and community development and organising, business development, capacity building, transport and infrastructural development consultancy, business development consultant.

Experience: Has 14 years’ experience in diaspora, migration, engagement, private sector, consultancy and development sector. project management and capacity building, transport and infrastructural development consultancy, youth engagement and development, community organising and implementing projects, initiatives and programmes to successfully educate communities on governance, political decisions, stakeholder engagement, community journalism and conduct research to improve programs and social enterprise/ business development and management. He is experienced in stakeholder engagement trained in administration, policy advocacy and influencing, change management, strategic planning, human resource, stakeholder management, scenario planning, community development with experience in institutional capacity building, infrastructural development and charity management in the UK, Europe and Africa.

Education: Political Science, Geography and Resource Development, Project Management and a Masters in Social Entrepreneurship.

Why AFFORD: The extent to which AFFORD goes to highlight African diaspora efforts, stay ahead of the pack and maintain relevance and steer diaspora agenda attracts me the most.

Why Africa: Africa is home, filled with the most diverse resources and potential that need to be tapped. Africa, however, has to fulfil its potential for the benefit of its people and the world.

Dejance brings experience from an accountancy and financial management background.

Read more about Dejance

Specialities: Bookkeeping, Advanced Management Accounting, Corporate Financial Management, Financial Accounting, Financial Reporting, Business Analysis, Budget and Cash Flow Forecast.

Experience: Part-Qualified Member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants and a qualified with the Association of Accounting Technicians with years of experience in preparing and producing financial and management accounts in the private and public sector. A proficient user of SAGE Line 50, XERO, QUICKBOOKS, SPSS Data Analysis Software, Bloomberg Terminal, and Ms Excel and Office.

Education: MSc in Applied Accounting and Finance; BA (Hons) in Accounting and Finance

Why AFFORD: We share the same aspirations and goals of a prosperous and sustainable economic independent Africa. I am passionate about Africa because: I believe Africa is the future of the world and has a lot to offer in terms of opportunities and I want to help it to be self-dependent.

Responsible for providing programmatic support for the delivery of the ABC West Africa programme objectives and for developing the AFFORD Business Club brand.

Read more about Godwin

Specialities: Sustainability; government, regulator and community relations management; partnerships development; project management; sales; integrated communication; research; and behaviour change design.

Experience: I have nearly 10 years of experience in industry across diverse roles including sales, R&D, sustainability and CSR, integrated communications, and government, regulator and community relations. This gives me a holistic approach to organizational development. I also have several years of experience in research management. Particularly, I am passionate about impacting and making impact through young people.

Education: Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition. University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

Why AFFORD: AFFORD really gets the social implications of a ballooning youth population on the continent. Society often talks about the opportunity that this implies while glossing over the work that must accompany it and the risks involved. AFFORD does not shy away from the realities and positions itself at the juncture of repurposing a significantly large resource (the African diaspora and their contributions to the continent) towards Africa’s development. This completely aligns with my views and values.

Why Africa: Because it is ours….

Read more about Bora

Specialities: Bora is a young polyglot based in Brussels. He has 10 years experience working with diaspora and diaspora youth organisation. He is knowledgeable of the continent and it’s different cultures. Bora has competencies in politics, diplomacy and entrepreneurship.

Experience: Bora has started working with the African Caribbean and Pacific Young Professionals Network (ACP YPN) as a Parliamentary Officer in charge of organizing activities around the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly and liaising with MEPs to gather informations on EP’s work on youth. He then worked with AFFORD on the ADEPT project in London before joining ADEPT in Brussels for administrative work. Bora has extensive experience working with National Youth Councils in Africa and has a considerable network in different African government, the AU Youth Division, the EU INTP Commission and the UN.

Education: Specify your educational background, including degrees, certifications, and relevant training that contribute to your expertise.
BA in International Affairs and Diplomacy at Vesalius College, MA in Business Management at VUB.

Why AFFORD: AFFORD is a diaspora organization that does not bend with the wind. It has its agenda, based on the needs of the diaspora and a mission to help the continent develop. It is a 100% diaspora led organization, using the different diaspora expertise available to make itself strong.

Why Africa: I am passionate about Africa, first and foremost because it is home. It is rich in culture and opportunity; it is a continent filled with creative and resilient people. Africa is welcoming.

Board of Trustees

Chair Person

Ndidi has worked across various industries in the financial sector and development arena, within Europe, Middle East, Africa and UK.

Read more about Ndidi

Specialities: Finance and development specialist, with focus on the role of the Diaspora, migration, enterprise development, and regulatory infrastructure.

Experience: I’ve worked across various industries in the financial sector and development arena, within European, Middle East, Africa, and in UK gas and electricity infrastructure. This has provided the opportunity for me to participate in various specialist discussions and negotiations such as, at the United Nations, World Bank, the International Organisation of Securities Commissions and the European Securities and Markets Authority, the European Commission and European Council.

Why AFFORD: AFFORD captured my interest several years ago due to its innovative and pioneering can-do approach in facilitating sustainable job creation in Africa. AFFORD was one of the first NGOs to discuss the beneficial role of the African Diaspora and advocated to ensure that African Diaspora had a voice in mainstream discussions on migration and development.

I am passionate about Africa because: As a member of the Nigerian Diaspora and having visited Nigeria and other African countries, I see the tremendous potential in the continent. I believe that its only a matter of time until this potential is realised. I’m passionate about encouraging further connections between the developed and developing countries to facilitate economic development.

Board Member

Communications and journalism professional with over 35 years experience.

Read more about Ade

Specialities: Researcher, broadcasting (radio and TV), Communications including print journalism. Expert on African politics, development

Experience: I am a communications and journalism professional of over 35 years experience. I was educated in Sierra Leone and the UK. Founder member of the Sierra Leone Diaspora Network and the Sierra Leone – UK Diaspora Ebola Response Taskforce (SLUKDERT); Experienced Communications Professional (including broadcast and print journalism); editor (co-editor, Journal of Sierra Leones Studies, editor-in-chief, Promota Africa magazine; Experienced radio (BBC World Service) and TV broadcaster; Consultant on African Diaspora affairs; Media commentator on African affairs.

Why AFFORD: AFFORD can be at the forefront in shaping the discourse, highlighting how entrepreneurship and innovation can impact Africa and create jobs in the coming decades. No one else is doing this and we must seize the initiative to set and shape the agenda. AFFORD already has a proven record in this regard and its vision for the future is one I would very much like to be a part of.

I am passionate about Africa because: Having grown up in an African country and visited several more, I have a desire to see the continent’s talents appreciated, recognised and utilised for the benefit of all.

Board Member

Yinka is a multi-award-winning business owner, coach, speaker, business and asset strategist.

Read more about Yinka

Specialities: Mindset, women and leadership: Habits and consistency for success: Money and wealth: Imposter syndrome and confidence: Goal achievement (planning and executing for results)

Experience: I have worked in diverse areas with my varied expertise. I am now with Calla Success Systems Ltd. I hold multiple positions as a Cashflow Whisperer and Chief Cash Officer, Challenge Design Consultant and a Trainer and Masterclass Facilitator. I also work with the Academy and Women Leadership with multiple roles which include, Executive and Leadership coach, Trainer, Instructor, and Session Facilitator and curriculum Designer.

With my experience and expertise in cash flow, l am an Advisory Member of CG Ventures, a founding member of UKBlack Tech and Director of Business Development at Eagle Solutions Services Ltd, Hackathon Team leader in Tech Talent Charter, an Investor Marketing Originations Associate, and a Cross Product Collateral Management Team Leader. I also worked as Fixed Income Summer Intern at Morgan Stanley. I am the Chair of Governors at School of Governors.

Education: The University of Manchester (BA (Econ) (Hons.), Economics

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