The “Migration and Development West Africa project, Partnership for a Governance of Migration and Rights-Based Mobility” or MADE West Africa which is funded by the European Commission was launched by AFFORD (African Foundation for Development), the Centre for Migration Studies (University of Ghana), FORIM (Forum of International Organizations of Migration Issues) and ICMC Europe (International Catholic Migration Commission).
MADE West Africa has opened a call for proposals for actions to promote the positive potential of migrants for development from Ghana and Sierra Leone. MADE West Africa’s project’s general objective is to promote good governance of migration and mobility, as well as the protection of the rights of migrants in the ECOWAS region, in order to increase the benefits of migration and mobility on development.
The call for proposals particularly concerns maximizing the contribution of diaspora to effectively support development and job creation in Ghana or Sierra Leone. It is part of a series of actions implemented by AFFORD in partnership with local organisations.
In order to be eligible under the MADE pilot fund, actions must primarily aim at policy changes or the implementation of relevant actions at local, national or even regional level that contribute to the channelling of different types of remittances into development and job creation.
This 2018 – 2019 matching Seed concerns small grants of 8000 EUR in match-funding to each selected civil society organisation to support advocacy or practical activities from October 2018 to March 2019 (6 months). Applicants must be based in the diaspora (Europe), Ghana or Sierra Leone but partnerships with organisations in other countries are possible. Activities can only be implemented in Ghana or Sierra Leone.
To find out the specific requirements for Ghana and Sierra Leone, read the Country Call for Proposals and download the application form here.
Interested organizations should submit a completed application form and a budget proposal by 20 August 2018.
Only one grant will be provided for activities in this call for proposals.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you would have any questions at: