Calling all Rwandans in the UK

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has commissioned the African Foundation for Development (AFFORD) to carry out a study about Rwandans and people of Rwandan heritage living in the United Kingdom, which is taking place between May and September 2018.

This forms part of a broader IOM initiative to coordinate studies about Rwandans and people of Rwandan heritage living in the UK, Belgium, Netherlands, and Germany for the Government of Rwanda.
The UK study will be conducted by AFFORD and will involve research about Rwandans and people of Rwandan origin living in the UK through surveys, interviews and focus group discussions. The aim of this study is to better understand how Rwandans abroad interact with, and contribute to, Rwanda. For the purposes of this study, Rwandans in the UK include anyone born in Rwanda or whose parents or grandparents are Rwandan.
All responses to this study will be treated in the strictest confidence, and all results will be anonymised.
The findings of the UK study, along with the other three countries, will contribute to a Migration Profile of Rwanda, which is due to be completed at the end of 2018. This will make recommendations to the Government of Rwanda on how Rwandans abroad can be better supported to contribute to Rwanda’s development.
If you are interested in taking part, please click here.
For further information on the study, please contact:

Claude Rutsinzi – Principal Researcher
Paul Asquith – Reseach Coordinator
Tel +44 (0)203 326 3750
Sia Kondeh – Project Assistant
Tel +44 (0) 207 811 6036
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