Blended Finance and the role of diaspora investment
Blended Finance and the role of diaspora investment Read More »
This report provides an account of a unique business development support initiative piloted in July 2006 aimed at small businesses operating in Ghana utilizing the skills and resources of Africans in the diaspora. The key partner on the ground was Barclays Ghana. Following a brief explanation of the background and context, the report suggests how Barclays might build upon this initiative. The report then highlights some of the challenges facing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Ghana. Following this, the report highlights the outcomes from the initiative. Next, the report offers some detailed recommendations to Barclays. The report ends with some conclusions, next steps, and a way forward toward enhanced collaboration between Barclays and AFFORD.
In today’s globalized world, goods, capital, people, and ideas are flowing as never before. In this inter-connected scenario, we often hear that Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is key for economic growth, particularly in emerging countries.
Diaspora direct investment Read More »