Enterprise and Employment in Africa

Resource persons JD_08.03.18 003 SOO and HB comments

AFFORD is a leading diaspora organisation with a mission “to expand and enhance the contribution of the Diaspora to Africa’s development”. AFFORD has pioneered and concept-tested programmes on job creation in Africa through diaspora investment, remittances, and volunteering/skill-sharing. It seeks out, supports and enhances the capacity of change-makers amongst diaspora organisations and individuals.

Resource persons JD_08.03.18 003 SOO and HB comments Read More »

AFFORD Diaspora Mobilisation Manager. Final

AFFORD’s mission is “to expand and enhance the contribution of the Diaspora to Africa’s development”. AFFORD is a pioneer and innovator in the field of policy and practice of ‘diaspora and development’. It continues to act as a catalyst, concept-tester and exemplar in the sector; it seeks out, supports and enhances the capacity of actual and potential change-makers amongst diaspora organisations and individuals.

AFFORD Diaspora Mobilisation Manager. Final Read More »

Communications Assistant JD 09.03.18

AFFORD’s mission is “to expand and enhance the contribution of the Diaspora to Africa’s development”. AFFORD is a pioneer and innovator in the field of policy and practice of ‘diaspora and development’. It continues to act as a catalyst, concept-tester and exemplar in the sector; it seeks out, supports and enhances the capacity of actual and potential change-makers amongst diaspora organisations and individuals. In June 2016 AFFORD added an exciting and innovative new programme, Diaspora Finance and Investment (DFI) to its growing list of projects. Co-funded by Comic Relief and UK Aid through the Common Ground Initiative, DFI aims to stimulate diaspora investment to create jobs and enhance Africa’s social economy. AFFORD believes strongly in the power of Africa’s diaspora to drive long-term economic growth and prosperity.

Communications Assistant JD 09.03.18 Read More »

MADE WA Pilot Sierra Leone and Ghana AFFORD CCP

The “Migration and Development West Africa project, Partnership for a Governance of Migration and Rights-Based Mobility” or MADE West Africa which is funded by the European Commission was launched by AFFORD (African Foundation for Development), the Centre for Migration Studies (University of Ghana), the FORIM (Forum of International Organizations of Migration Issues) and ICMC Europe (International Catholic Migration Commission). MADE West Africa’s general objective is to promote good governance of migration and mobility, as well as the protection of the rights of migrants in the ECOWAS region, in order to increase the benefits of migration and mobility on development.

MADE WA Pilot Sierra Leone and Ghana AFFORD CCP Read More »

MADE Diaspora and migrant investment and national dev’t. Building on the nexus final 291116

The current era of intensifying global mobility presents unique challenges as well as opportunities for migrant and diaspora contributions to the development of their countries of origin, heritage and residence. Hundreds of millions of people are living outside their countries of birth, and the recent global migration crisis has resulted in mass displacement of an unprecedented scale. Diaspora and migrant enterprise, investment and remittances have tremendous potential to positively contribute to the global migration and development nexus. To realize this potential, transformative shifts in the management of global human and resource flows have become crucial for all migration stakeholders

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AFFORD Business Club – ABC Study Report 2016 10.05.2016 final

African Foundation for Development (AFFORD-UK) is a diaspora-development organisation which works to expand and enhance the contribution that Africans in the diaspora make to Africa’s development. AFFORD-UK has over 20 years of experience of working with diaspora communities in the United Kingdom. One of its strategic goals is to expand and enhance the role of the diaspora in job creation in Africa. For the past decade, AFFORD-UK has applied its pioneering and innovative expertise to the subject matter of job creation in Africa, especially in post-conflict Sierra Leone.

AFFORD Business Club – ABC Study Report 2016 10.05.2016 final Read More »


The RemitPlus™ project objectives were: • Improve access to remittances for recipients, especially in rural areas in Sierra Leone, and foster productive use of remittances for investment. • Provide greater access to additional financial services, through a client-tailored business development and financial inclusion package that is safe, secure, instant and accessible. • Enable existing and new Finance Salone clients to access financial services in rural Sierra Leone.


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